Martin M. Lintner was born in Bozen/Bolzano (South Tyrol, Italy) and is a member of the Order of
the Servants of Mary (OSM). He lives in Innsbruck (Tyrol, Austria) and is Professor for Moral
Theology and Spiritual Theology at the Philosophical-Theological College in Brixen/Bressanone
(South Tyrol, Italy). He completed his doctorate at the Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna
after studying Theology at Innsbruck, Vienna and Rome (Pontifical University Gregorian). Martin has
served as President of the International Association of Moral Theology and Social Ethics (IVMS) since
2017. He has also served as President of the European Society for Catholic Theology (2013–2015)
and President of the International Network of Societies for Catholic Theology – INSeCT (2014–2017).
Martin’s most recent monograph is: Von Humanae vitae bis Amoris laetitia. Die Geschichte einer
umstrittenen Lehre, Innsbruck 2018 (translated into Italian). His other books include: Der Mensch
und das liebe Vieh. Ethische Aspekte im Umgang mit den Tieren (with contributions of Chr. Amor und
M. Moling), Innsbruck 2017; Den Eros entgiften. Plädoyer für eine tragfähige Sexualmoral und
Beziehungsethik, Brixen/Innsbruck 2012 (translated into Slovenian and Italian); and Eine Ethik des
Schenkens. Von einer anthropologischen zu einer theologisch-ethischen Deutung der Gabe und ihrer
Aporien (= Studien der Moraltheologie 35), Münster u. a. 2006. Martin has published numerous
articles on bioethics, sexual moral and family ethics as well as in fundamental moral theology. He is
co-author of the Brixner Theologisches Jahrbuch.