Virtual Tables

As a network, CTEWC seeks to facilitate and promote debate among theological ethicists. This takes place via meetings, conferences and other forms of encounter. Here we offer a new format: virtual tables. In regular video conferences, ethicists from different regions of the world come together to discuss a topic. A virtual table works over a longer period of time (initially one year) in order to enable a serious and continuous discussion of the topic.

As a discussion forum, the virtual table is an end in itself. Nevertheless, the groups can decide whether they want to plan further joint projects (book project, workshop, etc.). In the First and on the CTEWC website, the virtual tables will provide quarterly information about their work.

The first round of the virtual tables started in December 2019. Interested persons can apply to the organizers of the virtual table in which they are interested. We ask also that all virtual table co-leaders and participants register with the CTEWC network directory.

Propose a new virtual table by sending this form to James Keenan ( or Suzanne Mulligan (

Please note: the number of participants is limited in order to ensure the ability to work. We therefore ask for your understanding if participation in a certain case may not be possible.

Current Virtual Tables:

Engaging Synodality: A Call to Higher Education and Theological Ethicists

Pursuing Health: Self-Care, Fidelity, Justice, & Mercy

Nonviolence and Just Peace

Reproductive Justice and the Common Good

Responses to the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church- Perspectives from Theological EthicsEntering Phase 2

Regional Virtual Tables:

Ethical Leadership in Africa: Beyond the Covid-19 Global Health Crisis

Africa: Global Public Health, Social Ethics, and Theology

Asian-Oceanian Regional Virtual Table

A small group has formed an Asian-Oceanian regional virtual table. Foci of the table include: inviting new representatives to join the virtual table from different countries; inviting new members from the region to join CTEWC, particularly from under-represented countries; providing mentorship and support for women and junior scholars in the region; Virtual Tables for women and junior scholars in the region; and continuing the CTEWC Asian Theological Ethics Books Series.

Latin American-Caribbean Regional Virtual Tables

Virtual Tables in our region are developed to continue our academic dialogue and growth, fostering the integration of theological ethicists all across the region. The main goal is to promote new collaborative work and expand its relationship with old and new colleagues, in particular young academics and scholars.
Manuales de Teología Moral escrito por Teólogas Morales desde el Contexto Latinoamericano

Migración y fronteras en América

Ética teológica en diálogo interdisciplinario

Concluded Virtual Tables:

Abya Yala: Voces Emergentes desde América Latina y el Caribe

Embracing the encouragement of the CTEWC to create Virtual Tables that seek “facilitate and promote debate among theological ethicists,” the CTEWC Latin American and Caribbean region is launching a new VT that aims to promote new and young voices of theologians working with ethics in the region and their global dialogue with other members in the network.

Asian-Oceanian Junior Scholars Virtual Table – now forming (September 2020)
Climate Change – Livestock Farming – Animal Ethics- The (missing) voice of the Church (on hold)