María Teresa (MT) Davilá is formerly an Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at Andover Newton Theological School, is currently Lecturer of Theology and Religious Studies at Merrimack College. Born and raised in Puerto Rico, MT earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Brown University, a Master of Theological Studies at Boston University School of Theology, and a Ph.D. in theological ethics at Boston College. She has dedicated her scholarly and professional career to the investigation of models of Christian discipleship in the United States and how these relate, promote, or obstruct the preferential option for the poor. MT’s publications include works in the ethics of the use of force, Latinx public theology and ethics, the use of the social sciences in Christian ethics, race and racial justice, immigration and migrant justice, and Catholic social teaching. Along with Agnes Brazal from the Philippines, MT is co-editor of the volume Living With (out) Borders: Catholic Theological Ethics and People on the Move, from Orbis Press. MT dedicates her time to refugee hospitality and advocacy, and homeless ministries and advocacy in the greater Boston area. Along with her husband and four children she is a member of St. Joseph’s Parish in Malden, MA.