Peter Knox

Peter KnoxPeter Knox, SJ is a native of Johannesburg in South Africa. Previous incarnations have seen him as a university chaplain, as a member of the Jesuit Institute in South Africa and as a teacher of systematic theology at St Augustine College in Johannesburg as well as St John Vianney Seminary in Pretoria. Since January 2013 he has been teaching systematic theology at the Jesuit School of Theology of Hekima University College, Nairobi. His doctoral work was on AIDS and African religion. However now, when he has a break from administrative duties at Hekima, he likes to work on environmental ethics. Apart from scientific papers on Laudato Si’ he has published a series of popular-level articles relating the encyclical to daily experience in Africa, making the encyclical even more accessible. In 2016 he collaborated in editing a pastoral digest of Amoris Laetitia.