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Visiting professor at Hekima College, Nairobi, Kenya

In response to the initiation of CTEWC’s visiting professor program, I applied to teach moral theology at Hekima College, a Jesuit theological college just outside the center of Nairobi. My hosts have asked me to write a short description of this experience for the benefit of future applicants.


I was very well received by the staff and personnel of the College and I found the students to be very receptive to the appearance of a new, albeit temporary, addition to the teaching staff. All in all, I must report that this has been an enjoyable and enriching experience – I hope for all involved.


Planning your program, and negotiating with your host institution, can be very important. If you expect to spend an entire semester in one place, this will probably be relatively easy. In my own case, I was only able to spend half of the semester at Hekima, 7 of the 14 weeks, approximately in the middle of the spring semester. This timeframe resulted in the need to program my activities to fit into an already existing schedule. Expecting that the host institution will be able to schedule short, intensive programs may not be realistic.


Fortunately, my experience at Hekima successfully dealt with this issue. Simultaneously, we agree that it is important to have the complete details of one’s intentions and the host institution’s expectations clearly worked out as part of the application process. I hope that everyone involved in visiting professor program will be as fortunate as I was to deal with such an understanding and helpful staff who made my stay truly worthwhile.