Nairobi 2012

CTEWC in Africa After Trento: Engaging the African Synod, was held at Hekima College Jesuit School of Theology and Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations in Nairobi, Kenya from August 21-23, 2012. For information on presentations and attendees, see the program.

Three members of CTEWC offered their reflections, each writing about one of the days of the workshop.
Day 1 by Marie-Rose Ndimbo
Day 2 by Veronica Rop
Day 3 Peter Knox

Media coverage of Nairobi

Paulines Publications Africa has published the essays from this CTEWC regional seminar.

Browse Photos of the Seminar

Day 1 Afternoon
Day 2 Morning
Day 2 Afternoon
Day 3 Public Lecture
Day 3 Book Launching
Banner Signing
Group Photos
Conference Breaks
Scholarship Meeting