Please email to submit a link to your publication.
- Stan Chu Ilo, “Can Prayer Save Us from Covid-19?” La Croix International (March 21, 2020).
- Stan Chu Ilo, “Why I Did Not Celebrate Online Mass this Easter” La Croix International (April 20, 2020).
- Stan Chu Ilo, “In the Fight Against COVID-19, Africans Must Learn from History” Nigeria World (April 8, 2020).
- Stan Chu Ilo, “Keeping Hope Alive in the Time of COVID-19” Nigeria World (April 19, 2020).
- Stan Chu Ilo, “Pandemic, Poverty, and Power: Thoughts on a Biosocial Ethics of Global Solidarity for Health,” in the June 2020 First.
- Stan Chu Ilo, “Why Do We Put Faith in the Vaccine?” in the November 2021 First.
- Teresia Hinga, “Embracing Care-Mongering in the Age of COVID-19” in the April First.
- Teresia Hinga, “COVID-19’s WASH Factor- a Solution for the Syndemic?” in the July First.
- Teresia Hinga, “COVID-19: Reflecting on the Ethical Ramifications of Flattening the Curve” in the January 2021 First.
- Toussaint Kafarhire Murhula, “Forging a Global Policy to Resist the Threat of COVID-19 in Africa,” PDF, (April 1, 2020).
- Peter Knox, “Climate Change and Covid-19,” in the September 2020 First.
- Laurenti Magesa, “An Alternate View on the COVID-19 Pandemic” in the May 2020 First.
- Reginald Nalugala, “Capacity Development for Peacebuilding in Africa in a Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Future” in the March 2022 First.
- Nora K. Nonterah, Defying the Odds, Vulnerable but not Weak: The Saga of Kayaye in Covid-19 Times” PDF, (July 1, 2020).
- Anne Celestine Achieng Ondigo, “Inequality, COVID-19, and Humanitarian Ubuntu,” in the June 2020 First.
- Anne Celestine Achieng Ondigo, “Challenging Covid-19 Stigmatization with Fratelli Tutti Values,” in the June 2021 First.
- Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, The Pope and the Pandemic: Lessons in Leadership in a Time of Crisis, (Orbis Books, 2021).
Asia and Oceania
- Abundio Babor, “Moral Basis of Lockdown Vis-a-vis Corona Virus Pandemic,” PDF, (May 1, 2020).
- Sharon Bong, “New Normal, Old Gender Norms in the Time of Coronavirus” in the May First.
- Sharon Bong, “Feminist Futures in the Time of Emergency” in the March 2021 First.
- Dalmacito Cordero, Jr., “In loving memory of ‘us’: facing grief during the time of COVID-19 through redirecting perception of life’s realities,” Journal of Public Health (February 5, 2021). Additional correspondence from the author to the JPH available here.
- Dalmacito Cordero Jr., “Sákit Pighati and Pag-asa: A Pastoral Reflection on Suffering During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Philippines,” Journal of Religion and Health (March 27, 2021).
- Dalmacito Cordero, Jr., “Theological Reflection on Suffering: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Theology Today (April 8, 2021).
- J. Charles David, “The Corona Pandemic and Disaster Ethics,” PDF, (June 1, 2020).
- Edilberto C. De Jesus, Manuel M. Dayrit, Ivyrose S. Baysic, eds., Countering COVID-19: Cases in Crisis Response (Quezon City: Ateneo University Press, 2021).
- Eugene Elivera, “Scarcity and Impunity in Fighting an Invisible Enemy,” PDF, (May 1, 2020).
- Dan Fleming and Toby Hall, “Putting a lower value on older lives is unethical,” The Age, September 22, 2020.
- Dan Fleming, “Covid-19 and the ‘trolley problem’: is there a better way out of the pandemic?” ABC Religion and Ethics, (June 3, 2020).
- Eric Marcelo Genilo, “A Dangerous Law at a Vulnerable Time,” in the July First.
- David G. Kirchhoffer, “Dignity, Autonomy, and Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources During COVID-19,” Bioethical Inquiry, (July 17, 2020).
- Dionius Bismoko Mahamboro, “Family Resilience amidst the Pandemic” in the October 2020 First.
- Dionius Bismoko Mahamboro, “A Difficult Choice for Education” in the July 2021 First.
- Kristine Meneses, “Othering the Other?: A Call for Moral Cosmopolitanism” in the April First.
- Caroline Ong, “Covid-19 in Australia” in the September 2020 First.
- Caroline Ong, “Who is to Blame?” in the June 2021 First.
- Caroline Ong, “Australian Healthcare in Crisis: A New Paradigm Needed” in the February 2023 First.
- Stephanie Ann Puen, “Doing Business in the Philippines During the Covid-19 Pandemic” in the March 2022 First.
- Chito M. Sawit, “Interreligious Dialogue Amidst Covid 19,” PDF, (July 1, 2020).
- Chito M. Sawit, “A Search for God Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic,” PDF, (October 1, 2020).
- Osamu Takeuchi, “What Message is COVID-19 Sending Us?” in the June 2020 First.
- Osamu Takeuchi, “Prayer for Peace in Covid-19” in the February 2022 First.
- Hoa Trung Dinh, “Fighting Covid-19 in Vietnam: Compassion, Accountability and Subsidiarity” in the December 2021 First.
- Revenendo R. Vargas, “Covid-19 & Quarantine: Online Teaching Considerations Amidst Pandemic,” PDF, (July 1, 2020).
- Revenendo R. Vargas, “A Review on the Validity of ‘Confession as a Sacrament’ during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” PDF, (July 1, 2020).
- Mary Min-Yee Yuen, “Crises in Hong Kong and the Ethics of Governance” in the March 2020 First.
- Mary Min-Yee Yuen, “Persistence and Home in a Chilly Winter” in the January 2021 First.
- Mary Min-Yee Yuen, “Blessings in the Midst of Woes” in the March 2022 First.
- Diego Alonso-Lasheras, “Development and Religion in the Times of COVID-19” in the April First.
- Gregor Buss, “Corona and the Arrogance of the West” in the January 2021 First.
- Carlo Calleja, “Lessons from the Past: Renewing Solidarity During the Current Pandemic,” La Croix International (April 16, 2020).
- Grégoire Catta, “The Post-Covid World Will Not be the Same… Really?” in the October 2021 First.
- Paolo Costa, “We Are Fragile but not Defenceless: Changing is Possible“/”Siamo Creature Fragili, Ma Non Inermi: Cambiare È Possibile,” Foundazione Bruno Kessler Magazine (March 16, 2020).
- Ingeborg Gabriel, “COVID-19, the Economy, and the Global Common Good: Ethical Reflections One Year into the Crisis” in the March 2021 First.
- Edward Hadas, “The Assault on Humanity,” Together for the Common Good (2021).
- Linda Hogan, “Ethics and Vaccine Development,” Covid-19 Law and Human Rights Observatory (August 25, 2020).
- Katharina Klöcker, “Distinguishing the Spirits of Fatigue,” in the July 2021 First.
- Gustáv Kovács, “How COVID-19 Has Reshaped our Private Sphere,” in the June 2021 First.
- Martin M. Lintner, “COVID-19 und Triage: eine (nicht nur) medizinethische Herausforderung” Feinschwarz (April 1, 2020). / “COVID-19 and Triage: A Medical Challenge, But Not Only That” in the May First.
- Christof Mandry, “Lernen aus der Corona-Krise. Triage, Ethik und politische Theologie,” Feinschwarz (April 20, 2020)
- Sigrid Müller, “Moral Discernment in the Context of COVID Vaccination,” in the September 2021 First.
- Peter Štica, “Illness/Disease, Pandemic, and Hope – Considerations at the Time of Coronavirus” in the October First.
- Andrea Vicini, “Life in the Time of Coronavirus“/”Vivere ai Tempi del Coronavirus” La Civilità Cattolica (April 6, 2020). “Viure en els temps del Coronavirus” (Catalan), Documents d’Eglésia (Sept-Oct 2020).
Latin America and the Caribbean
- Verónica Anguita M., “Dilema de la ultima cama o búsqueda del bien comùn,” PDF (July 1, 2020).
- Jutta Battenberg, “Las bondades de la meditación en tiempos de coronavirus,” El Semanario (Mexico), (May 6, 2020).
- Jutta Battenberg, “Salvatión en tiempos de Pandemia,” for the July 2020 First.
- Jutta Battenberg, “El derecho a la salud mental” in the July 2021 First.
- Maria Clara L. Bingemer, “Todas as vidas valem” Jornal do Brasil (Brazil), (April 24, 2020).
- Maria Clara L. Bingemer,“Páscoa: um caminho em meio à pandemia” Jornal do Brasil (Brazil), (April 09, 2020).
- Maria Clara L. Bingemer, “Relacionalidade: as lições da pandemia” Jornal do Brasil (Brazil), (March 26, 2020).
- Maria Clara L. Bingemer, “O necessário diálogo entre fé e ciência” Dom Total (Brazil), (May 26, 2020).
- Maria Inês Castro Millen, “Vulnerabilidade e resiliência en tempos de pandemia,” in the October 2020 First.
- Maria Inês Castro Millen, “Pandemia e Ética Teológica,” in the October 2021 First.
- Emilce Cuda, “Estamos sitiados entre dos frentes: el viral y el liberal” Religión Digital (Argentina), (April 05, 2020).
- Emilce Cuda, “El Papa y el Presidente em sintonía: la unidad o la nada” Página 12 (Argentina), (March 29, 2020).
- Jorge José Ferrer, “Bioética Global Para Tiempos de Pandemia” in the February 2020 First.
- Jorge José Ferrer, “El principio fraternidad y la equidad vacunal” in the February 2022 First.
- Élio Gasda, “Coveiros da democracia” Dom Total (Brazil), (April 23, 2020).
- Élio Gasda, “Guerra contra coronavírus revela inimigo ignorado” Dom Total (Brazil), (April 2, 2020).
- Élio Gasda, “Não se esqueçam dos pobres (Gl 2, 10)” Dom Total (Brazil), (March 26, 2020).
- Élio Gasda, “A peste: papa e Bolsonaro frente ao coronavírus” Dom Total (Brazil), (March, 19, 2020).
- Élio Gasda, “Semana Laudato Si’ em um país governado por perversos e nefastos” Dom Total (Brazil), (May 21, 2020).
- Élio Gasda, “Serviços essenciais, trabalhadores invisíveis e seus enterros noturnos” Dom Total (Brazil), (April 30, 2020).
- Élio Gasda, “Renta básica universal: no te olvides de los pobres (Gal 2,10),” in the June 2020 First.
- Élio Gasda, “El trabajo en tiempos de pandemia: ¿Seguridad económica para quién?,” in the June 2021 First.
- Cesar Kuzma, “O Covid-19 e a vulnerabilidade social” Instituto Humanitas Unisinos (Brazil), (March 20, 2020).
- Claudia Leal Luna, “¿Qué posibilidades tenemos, como latinoamericanos, de convertir la pandemia en una oportunidad?” in the September First.
- Alexandre A. Martins, “Em Busca de Humildade: Que os Nosso Olhos se Abram!” Dom Total (Brazil), (April 11, 2020).
- Alexandre A. Martins, “Ética no Desenvolvimento Rápido de uma Vacina contra a Covid-19,” Dom Total (Brazil), (April 07, 2020).
- Alexandre A. Martins, “Ressuscitação Cardiopulmonar e Covid-19,” Instituto Humanitas Unisinos (Brazil), (April 04, 2020).
- Alexandre A. Martins, “Quatro Questões Bioéticas Diante da Pandemia do Coronavírus (Covid-19),” Dom Total (Brazil), (March 31, 2020).
- Alexandre A. Martins, “Três Obrigações Éticas na Resposta à Covid-19 e à Escassez de Recursos,” Instituto Humanitas Unisinos (Brazil), (March 28, 2020).
- Alexandre A. Martins, “Coronavirus Challenges the US Market-Based Health Care” Polis and Hope (Brazil), (March 23, 2020).
- Alexandre A. Martins, “Helping People Die with ‘The Heart in the Hands’” in the May First.
- Alexandre A. Martins, “Cuidando até o fim com o “coração nas mãos,” Instituto Humanitas Unisinos (Brazil), (April 25, 2020).
- Alexandre A. Martins, “Paternalismo cultural na saúde e na administração pública” Dom Total (Brazil), (May 25, 2020).
- Alexandre A. Martins, “Religião e política: A Igreja Católica nos EUA perde a oportunidade de ser profética,” Instituto Humanitas Unisinos (Brazil), (May 20, 2020).
- Carlos Arboleda Mora, “Enseñanza Social de la Iglesia y su Aplicación en Tiempos de Pospandemia,” Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2020.
- Verónica Naranjo Quintero, “Rito religioso y COVID-19,” PDF (July 1, 2020).
- Verónica Naranjo Quintero, “Pobreza y Mujer: los rostros de la desigualdad expuestos por el COVID-19” in the May 2021 First.
- Agustín Ortega, “Filosofía y teología en la pandemia global” Religión Digital (Peru), (April 24, 2020).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “O coronavírus e a ética da responsabilidade” O Lutador (Brazil), (May 16, 2020).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “COVID-19: Igreja de portas fechadas ou hospital de campanha?” O Lutador (Brasil), (May 19, 2020).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “A Bioética e o descaso com a saúde,” O Lutador (Brasil), (June 1, 2020).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “COVID-19 e a banalização da morte,” O Lutador (Brasil), (June 14, 2020).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “A reinvenção do cotidiano em tempo de pandemia,” O Lutador (Brasil), (July 14, 2020).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “A realidade da pandemia e a desvalorização da vida,” Franciscanos, (August 3, 2020).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “O desprezo ao ser humano e os riscos de uma sociedade doente,” Franciscanos, (August 18, 2020).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “A Covid-19 e o fracasso do cuidado com o próximo,” O Lutador (Brasil), (August 22, 2020).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “O caminho ético do cuidado com o outro em tempos de pandemia,” Franciscanos, (September 2, 2020).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “Fratelli tutti e o cuidado com o próximo em tempos de pandemia,” O Lutador (Brasil), (October 27, 2020).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “O amor ao próximo e relações humanas fragilizadas: crise ética do cuidado?” Franciscanos, (October 28, 2020).
Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “O caminho autêntico de uma ética do cuidado,” O Lutador (Brasil), (November 17, 2020).
Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “Covid-19 A banalidade da morte e a fragilidade humana,” Conselho Nacional do Laicato do Brasil, (March 12, 2021).
Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “A pandemia que não para de contabilizar os seus mortos” Franciscanos, (March 6, 2021).
Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “A pandemia já fez mais de 300 mil vítimas no Brasil,” O Lutador, (March 24, 2021).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “Semana Santa e pandemia: viver os passos de Jesus,” O Lutador, (March 29, 2021).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “Caminhando com Jesus neste início de Semana Santa,” Franciscanos, (March 30, 2021).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “Servir: uma atitude pascal diante das fragilidades humanas,” O Lutador, (April 2, 2021).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “Celebrar a Páscoa em meio à pandemia,” O Lutador, (April 4, 2021).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “Celebrar a Páscoa em meio à pandemia,” Franciscanos, (April 4, 2021).
Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “Covid-19 E a crise E o Trabalho, cadê,” Conselho Nacional do Laicato do Brasil, (May 1, 2021).
Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “Dia do Trabalhador e a crise do desemprego,” O Lutador (May 1, 2021).
Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “1º de Maio: a pandemia e a crise do desemprego,” Franciscanos (May 1, 2021).
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “Cuidar do próximo em tempos de relativismos,” in the April 2022 First.
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro, “A construção de uma sociedade comprometida e responsável pelo outro,” in the February 2023 First.
Anna Perkins, “Boring to the Front of the Line”: Government Officials in Jamaica’s Covid Vaccine Plan” in the April 2021 First.
- Aníbal Germán Torres, “La propuesta de Laudato si’ que la crisis del Covid-19 permite redescubrir. A cinco años de la publicación de la encíclica, la vigencia de LS 175”, Revista de Teologia 57, no. 132 (2020): 155-168.
- José Trasferetti, “Ética Cristã e Coranavírus,” Correio Popular (Brazil), (March 24, 2020).
- José Trasferetti, “Teologia Moral e o Covid-19,” Correio Popular (Brazil), (May 05, 2020).
- Elton Vitoriano Ribeiro,“¿Es la Sindemia COVID-19 una cuestión de biopolítica?” Jesuitas CPAL (May 26, 2021).
North America
- Jana Bennett, “Disabilities in Hiding: How the Pandemic Might Shape Justice for All of Us” Berkley Forum, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, & World Affairs (April 16, 2020).
- Gerald J. Beyer, “Solidarity and Social Distancing,” Together for the Common Good (April 2020).
- Gerald J. Beyer, “COVID-19 and Higher Education,” in the June First.
- Charles Camosy, interview of Marcus Mescher, “Church Can Help as ‘Social Distancing’ Raises Risk of Isolation and Loneliness,” Crux (March 20, 2020).
- Hoon Choi, “Lest We Forget: Awaiting Easter in the Midst of the Covid-19 Crisis,” Catholic Moral Theology (April 8, 2020).
- Daniel Daly, “Guidelines for Rationing Treatment During the COVID-19 Crisis: A Catholic Approach,” Health Progress, Journal of the Catholic Health Association of the United States (April 2020).
- David DeCosse, “Five Ethical Basics in the Face of the Coronavirus Pandemic,” Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (March 20, 2020).
- David DeCosse, “Five Ethical Basics about Hard Health Care Choices in a Time of Pandemic,” Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (April 15, 2020).
- Mary M. Doyle Roche, “#2021: Vaccines in a Year of Favor” in the January 2021 First.
- Matthew Gaudet, “COVID 19, Shelter-In-Place, and Just War Reasoning,” Catholic Moral Theology (April 6, 2020).
- David Hollenbach, Lisa Cahill, Grace Yia-Hei Kao, Michael Kessler, Daniel Sulmasy, “The COVID-19 Crisis and Challenges to the Common Good” Video Discussion, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, & World Affairs (April 8, 2020).
- David Hollenbach, “Who Suffers Most During the Coronavirus Pandemic?” America (May 13, 2020).
- Mary Jo Iozzio, “Concerns for People with Disability During COVID-19,” Berkley Forum, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, & World Affairs (April 15, 2020).
- Kate Jackson-Meyer, “Moral Distress in Nurses and other Health Care Professionals,” Health Progress, Pandemic Coverage, Catholic Health Association, (May 7 2020).
- Cathleen Kaveny, “After Coronavirus, how Will We Learn to Un-Quarantine?” National Catholic Reporter (April 6, 2020).
- Cathleen Kaveny and symposium of religious ethicists, “COVID-19 and Religious Ethics,” Journal of Religious Ethics (August 11, 2020).
- Aline Kalbian, “Moral Responsibility to Protect People in Prison from COVID-19” in the April 2020 First.
- Aline Kalbian, “COVID-19 Deaths and Religious Sisters in the US: Reflections on Everyday Ethics and Solidarity” in the April 2021 First.
- Nuala Kenny, “The Perils and Possibilities of a Pandemic,” La Croix International (March 19, 2020).
- Nuala Kenny, “Good Friday in Pandemic: Deadly Serious Reflections,” La Croix International (April 11, 2020).
- Nuala Kenny, “Emergency Triage of Health Resources and Moral Distress of Caregivers,” La Croix International (April 21, 2020).
- Nuala Kenny et al, “A Catholic Perspective: Triage Principles & Moral Distress in Pandemic Scarcity” PDF, July 2020.
- Nuala Kenny, A Post-Pandemic Church: Prophetic Possibilities, (Novalis, 2021).
- Jason King, “Puzzles, Family Ethics, and the Coronavirus” in the May First.
- Ramón Luzárraga, “Dealing with the Coronavirus” in the March First.
- Eli McCarthy, “We Need a Public Health Approach to National Security Strategy,” Responsible Statecraft (April 13, 2020).
- Eli McCarthy, “Global Health and Just Peace Ethic for Security Strategy in the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Policial Theology (August 29, 2020).
- Brian M. Cummings and John J. Paris, “A Pandemic Refocuses Bioethics on ‘The Big Questions’,” The American Journal of Bioethics, 20.12: 51-54 (November 16, 2020).
- Neil D. Fernandes, Kelly Gardner, John J. Paris, and Brian M. Cummings, “Ventilator Allocation for Pediatrics during COVID-19 – How We Avoided Drawing Lots for Tots,” The American Journal of Bioethics, 20.7: 147-150 (July 27, 2020).
- Julie Rubio, “Belonging, Sacrifice, and COVID19,” Catholic Moral Theology (March 23, 2020).
- Julie Rubio, “How to talk to people who aren’t taking social distancing seriously,” America (March 30, 2020).
- Julie Rubio, Guest, Take Two, KPCC 89.3 (April 14, 2020).
- Andrea Vicini, “COVID-19: A Crisis and a Tragedy-What’s Next?” Theological Studies Vol. 82, No. 1, 116–137 (March 2021).
Ongoing coverage from the United States news source National Catholic Reporter on Covid-19 is available here, including
- Heidi Schlumpf, Michael Sean Winters, Joshua J. McElwee, “The Church After Coronavirus: How Our Communities are Changing,” National Catholic Reporter (April 1, 2020). Featuring reflections by CTEWC members Lisa Fullam, Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator, and Julie Rubio.
- Heidi Schlumpf, Michael Sean Winters, Joshua J. McElwee, “The Church After Coronavirus: New Understandings of Social Mission” National Catholic Reporter (April 3, 2020). Featuring a reflection by Jim Keenan.
- Joshua J. McElwee, “‘Grace Comes Through’: Three Bishops on Ministering During a Pandemic,” National Catholic Reporter (April 24, 2020). Featuring an interview with Sarajevo participant Cardinal Blaise Cupich.